Great Links!

WMR PCA Foreign Car Services Inc. Portage MI
Western Michigan Region PCA has over 450 members - all great people who share their passion for all things Porsche.  They enjoy competitive driving events, social events, and fun-raising (that's not a typo!) If you own a Porsche you can - and should - be a member.  Click the link on the left to Join PCA! 
BMW Car Club Michiana Chapter Foreign Car Services Portage MI
BMW CCA serves members in western lower Michigan and northern Indiana. Their purpose is to promote interest in motoring, to conduct touring activities, to encourage safe and skillful driving, to offer classes, and generally promote activities related to motor touring, and to share a love of all things BMW. To find out more simply click on the image at left.
Foreign Car Services Inc. on Facebook

We really appreciate your help as we grow our social media presence. Feel free to "Share" our new Facebook page with friends, family and fellow foreign car enthusiasts. Thanks!
Foreign Car Services Portage MI on Twitter

Look at us expanding our social media presence! Feel free to "Follow" us on Twitter. Thanks!
Foreign Car Services Portage MI on Pinterest

Follow us on Pinterest for more Fast Foreign Car inspiration! Click on the image at left to find our "Boards".
Foreign Car Services Portage MI and PCA Club Racing
Want to learn more about PCA Club Racing and how you can get involved? Simply click on the image at right to surf on over to the Porsche Club of America website and their pages on PCA Club Racing. See you at the track!
We will be adding more Great Links! to this page in the near future so please keep checking back as we grow and build our social media presence - Thank you!